Crafted by nature's hand, this unique bladed calcite specimen with stunning pyrite inclusions is a masterpiece of Earth's beauty. As you gaze upon its intricate details, you can see the delicate blades of calcite intertwined with the golden sparkle of pyrite, creating a captivating contrast of textures and colors. The distinct formation of the calcite blades juxtaposed with the metallic luster of pyrite makes this specimen a true marvel to behold. Displayed on a shelf or desk, it serves as a striking conversation piece, showcasing the wonders of geology. Whether you are a crystal collector or a nature enthusiast, this bladed calcite with pyrite inclusions is sure to enchant you with its natural allure. Add a touch of geological splendor to your space with this remarkable specimen that embodies the artistry of the Earth.

About the seller:
MY Father left me 100's of Rocks & Minerals he searched for an found around the world in his travels, he was a long time collector,  the scientific info on the specimens was not left to me so I have put together the most up to date information I can. Mostly compiled based on being an amateur collector myself, Majority of my searches have been in Mexico, an the United States 
occasionally overseas. Many more specimens to come so please add me to your favorites.  Many sellers just list the specimen, I always enjoyed knowing as much about the specimen as possible, makes collecting much more enjoyable.

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also sell on many online venues, with great ratings.