go to the card u want in the listing and pics will pop up of that card.

these cards are asian english. they are printed for the ocg, so they cant be used in tcg tournaments. these cards are more textured than their tcg counterparts. u can see certain foiling, textures or lines that cant be seen on their tcg counterparts. when looking at the card face on they shine like regular ultimates from rarity collection. however, when u turn the card side to side u can see more defined ultimate foiling/textures that aren't as easily visible on the TCG versions. ive taken pictures to show the ultimate foiling only when viewed from certain side angles. all these ultis have different patterns which makes them unique. 

the lava golem has the weakest foiling out of the bunch due to how big he is. god slime and baronne as well. the bigger the card art, the less ulti textures u can see. 

this is rc04. it is an asian english ocg set. these are not the ra01 tcg set.

buy before these sell out!

msg me if u need something i dont have listed. i may have it.