DAILY FIELD PRODUCT SET (DFPS-2) is ready-to-eat sterilized culinary products with long shelf-life made as balanced
menu for an adult. DFPS contains breakfast, lunch and dinner meals. DFPS can be useful for military personnel, hunters,
tourists, and people who prefer an active lifestyle and are located in places where it is impossible to cook hot food in the
traditional way. First and second dishes from the ration are packed in separate retort pouches and are ready for use; this
allows one to eat the pouch contents comfortably without additional efforts. Great advantage of packing main courses
separately is in its practical taking without additional kitchenware, and it is possible to heat up food on any hot surface: car
hood, radiator or even engine.
No, description of goods
1 Wheat flour dry biscuits
2 Wheat flour rusks
3 Rye flour rusks
4 Pearl barley porridge with pork and vegetables
5 Pea soup with pork
6 Beans with vegetables and chicken meat
7 Buckwheat porridge with beef and vegetables
8 Instant coffee
9 Black tea in tea-bag
10 Sugar
11 Natural honey
12 Apple jam
13 Ground black pepper
14 Salt
15 Disposable plastic table spoon
16 Paper napkin
17 Wet hygienic napkin

Weight ~ 2.1 kg (4.6 lb)
Calories ~ 3500
Date of manufacture ~ 2023
Shelf life until  ~ 2025