You are bidding on a wonderful set of historical antique Dutch silver spoons. The older spoon has a weight of approximately 70 grams and the birth spoon has a weight of 48 grams. These spoons are of historical significance. The birth spoon circa 1935 appears to be the birth spoon of Julien Redele, a Dutch business man that moved to the United States in 1956. Redele was a descendant of the landscape artist Hendrik W. Mesdag. On the back of the birth spoon are the coat of arms of Redele & Mesdag along with Mr. Redele’s birth date. Ornate spoon and handle with a stork at the top. The second and much older spoon must have been passed down in the Redele family and pre dates even Hendrik Mesdag by almost 100 years. I believe it references family members at least two generation before Hendrik Mesdag. The spoon itself has a date of 1744 with words like Gedagtenis which means “ commemoration “  and “ Geboren den 5 May 1701 “ which refers to a birth date. The word “ Huisvrou “ can be found on the spoon which I believe means “ House wife “. The arm of the spoon has early Dutch hallmarks with the correct cartouches for the time period. Sadly, they are hard to read as there is a “ zigzag Assay mark “ running through most of the hallmarks. This type of Assay mark was found when a small sample of silver was removed to test for silver content. Wonderful Dutch collectors spoons. The older spoon certainly needs to be investigated further. I ship worldwide. Professional shipping guarantees swift and safe delivery to your door. Shipping includes insurance. Email me with questions or comments. Good luck.