Kodak Film

  • You get both rolls - same emulsion - as seen in photos
  • NOTE: This is Kodachrome... as you know, any wet process film developing is getting tougher to find with quality... Kodachrome is now a "fringe" process and unless you have a method to develop lined up, I suggest you stick to the formerly mainstream E-6 process slide film
  • SEALED Boxes - but ugly, likely floated around camera bag for years
  • UNKNOWN PROVENANCE... came to me from California, so good chance its seen heat, snow, and maybe even a few earthquakes (don't you hate it when the film gets all out of focus from being shaken before processing ;)
  • I just got it now and it goes in the freezer... will be shipped with an ice-pack - depending on where you are, if you order after Wednesday, I may hold shipment to help prevent this sitting in a USPS truck or warehouse over the weekend (this is why same-day shipping is not noted as available) for example, my area and big swath of the US is expected to see 90-105F heat this weekend - NOT a good time to ship film, it would go out Monday
  • Please use a high resolution monitor (smartphone doesn't count) to best gauge cosmetic condition
  • See photo(s) - this is the item you will get