A medium size YASAMI oil painting on canvas by a master. European frame 
original oil painting painted on canvas  wired for hanging   www.yasami.com  
framed artwork is  28" x 23" inches outside of frame size.
This painting is based on:
My first exhibition with abstract illusionists " The Magic of Deception" included my friends artists James Havard and Ron Davis were also at Muckenthaler Cultural center July 1988 in Fullerton California. 2 years later my canvas in Equilibrium" was selected for the cover of Calculus College Text Book by Publisher Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, A similar painting smaller is here for viewing online
Select List of corporate / museums & private collectors of this artist
Forbes Collection, Connecticut
General Motors
Hughes Art Collection
Mayo Clinic, Arizona
Wynn Resort Art Collection,
Nevada University of Nebraska Art Collection
Morehead State University Art Collection
Kerman Museum of Art, Iran
Palm Spring Museum, California
American Republic insurance Company
Scottsdale Center for the Arts,
 Arizona Victor Jury Collection, New Mexico
Marvin Brody Collection, Arizona
Victor Jury Collection, New Mexico
Marvin Brody Collection, Arizona
Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New York
 Empress Farah Pahlavi 
 IBM, New York
 Pfizer, New York
 Bank of America
 The ASU Art Museum,Arizona 
Utah Museum of Fine Arts
 Yuma Museum of Art, Arizona
 Tehran Museum of Fine Arts, Iran 
J.P. Morgan/Chase Bank 
Tucson Museum of Fine Art, Arizona
 Prudential Life Insurance
 Rolm Corporation, California
 Qwest Communications,Colorado 
Visa of America 
Saks Fifth Avenue,Texas
 University of Wisconsin 
Frederick Weiseman Collection, California