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Correspondence and poetry from World War I refers to abundant fields of red poppies on the Western Front. It is thought that artillery shells and shrapnel agitated the earth and exposed the seeds to the light the poppies needed to germinate. The Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia, the forerunner to the Returned and Services League (RSL), officially adopted the red poppy emblem for its remembrance activities in August 1921.

The white poppy is an international symbol of remembrance for all casualties of war, whether civilians or armed forces personnel. As a symbol of peace, it seeks to encourage unity and hope and to challenge attempts to glamourise war. It is worn on its own or alongside the red poppy. White poppies were first produced as an item of remembrance in 1933 by the Women’s Co-operative Guild, England, which was concerned about remembrance events becoming militarised, and had a (well-founded) fear of another war.

In Australia, while the start of World War I brought out an overwhelming sense of patriotism and loyalty to Britain, some organisations railed against the entire idea of war as a means of resolving disputes, especially once the debate over conscription gripped the country. These organisations were largely run by women and included the Women’s Peace Army, established in Victoria by suffragette Vida Goldstein, and the Australian Peace Alliance.

Animals have been put to many uses in war. In the context of Australian forces, these important tasks have included tracking by dogs, transport of soldiers and equipment by horses, camels and donkeys, and message delivery by pigeons. To commemorate all the animal deeds and sacrifices in war, the not-for-profit Australian War Animal Memorial Organisation issues a purple poppy badge. The National Day for War Animals in Australia is observed annually on 24 February and is a way to recognise the service and sacrifice of these animals for the sake of humans.