Christian Theology in a Pluralistic Context: A Methodological and Constructive Inquiry in the Doctrine of Creation

Wiebe, Steven L.
Peter Lang
240 pages; 17 x 160 x 230 mm
Reihe / Serie
American University Studies 255
Christentum, Kosmogonie, Kosmogonie, Methodological, Natural Theology, Old Testament Wisdom Literature, Pluralism, Pluralistic, Religiöser Pluralismus, Schöpfungslehre, Theology, Wiebe, Christian, Constructive, Context, Cosmogony, Creation, Doctrine, Doctrine of Creation, Inquiry, Kontextuelle Theologie, Steven
EUR 98,55 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Christian Theology in a Pluralistic Context
Each generation of theologians must respond to the context in which they find themselves, and our context today is one of plurality. What, exactly, should a pluralistic theology look like? How can we take seriously our pluralistic context and still remain true to a tradition? This groundbreaking book moves beyond dialogue to incorporation, and develops a methodology for the future of pluralistic theology. Using postmodern epistemology, historical theology, and ancient wisdom literature, Steven L. Wiebe crafts a Christian doctrine of creation that is in dialogue with Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. This book will be useful in courses on world religions, systematic theology, and pluralism.
«Christian theology claims that revelation is wide-reaching; yet our constructive theology too often remains parochial. Steven L. Wiebe tellingly explores this inconsistency with regard to a doctrine of creation, and develops out of the biblical wisdom tradition a helpful methodological corrective. This book is an essential read for those wanting to engage our pluralistic age.» (Robert K. Johnston, Professor of Theology and Culture, Fuller Theological Seminary)
«Christian theology in the twenty-first century will be done in conversation with other religions' theologies. Steven L. Wiebe's work is an example of how that might be done. This work pushes us in the right direction. I highly recommend it.» (Terry C. Muck, Professor of Missions and World Religions, Asbury Theological Seminary)
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