Hexagon™ Alkaline Hydrogen WaterFiltration System (Product of Korea) that produces clean and refreshing water for better health,beauty & vitality:

  • Alkaline and hydrogen-rich with antioxidant properties!
  • Mineralized to support total body health!
  • Smaller water clusters for better cell absorption!
  • Clean, safe and tasty water right from your tap!

Hexagon™ Alkaline Hydrogen Water Filtration System
- The 4 Filters

The filters in the Hexagon™ AlkalineHydrogen Water Filtration System make up the powerful technology behind thesystem. Thanks to these filters, you can transform normal tap water intohydrogen-rich alkaline water.

Ceramic Filter

The Ceramic Filter removes micro-particulate matter.
Good for up to 6,000 liters with proper care.

Alkali Block Filter

The Alkali Block Filter is a specially blended mineral block that produces:

  • Hydrogen-rich water
  • Alkaline water with pH between 8 and 10
  • Bio-available ionized minerals

Good for up to 3,000 liters.

Ion Exchange ResinsFilter

The Ion Exchange Resins Filter softens water for better taste and texture.
Good for up to 3,000 liters.

Mineral CompositionFilter

The Mineral Composition Filter makes the water sweeter by infusing it with minerals. Italso contains KDF. Good for up to 6,000 liters.

In addition to these filtersmentioned above, the Hexagon™ Alkaline Hydrogen Water System also comes withthe E.A. Device, which is the first of its kind in the world.

The E.A Device infuses energy into water through a natural spiralingmovement. This rotation breaks water molecules down into smaller clusters,making them more absorbable.

The Magnetic Rings help to further break down the water molecule clusters.

The result? Cleaner, safer and tastier water that can be easily absorbedby your cells and used more effectively by your body - not only to nourish andquench, but also to fight free radicals and excess acidic waste!


More Compact with Better Filtration!
The Exciting Breakthrough for Healthier Drinking Water

Miracle Water!
Every year, thousands of people with a wide variety of health problems travelto sacred places around the world.

They do this for one reason…to drinkthe "miracle water."

They flock to the springs ofLourdes, France…To the caves of Nordenau Germany…to the wells of Tlacote,Mexico and Nadana, India…

Why do they go so far and to suchexpense?
Because many believe the water in these locations has special healing powersthat can slow down the aging process and dramatically improve their serioushealth conditions.

The truth is, this "MiracleWater" is not like normal drinking water. In fact it’s not even close.

The Difference is Hydrogen!
It’s neither myth or fantasy. The "Miracle Water" from theselegendary sites shares a certain property that makes it incredibly unique –lots of hydrogen.

In scientific research conducted byDr. Shirahata at Kyushu University in Japan, "Miracle Water" samplescontained at least 200–300 times more hydrogen that the normal tap watertested. Depending on the source of the "miracle water", that numberwas often even greater.

Why is hydrogen so important?
Because when water contains hydrogen, it’s a powerful antioxidant that gobblesup harmful free radicals and helps remove them from the body’s system. Thishelps put the brakes on aging.

Hydrogen water from your tap!
Modern science has now found a way to create hydrogen water from our domesticwater supply.

How? With this unique counter–topwater treatment system water is infused with hydrogen

Dissolved hydrogen is an excellentantioxidant because it readily "donates" its electrons to stabilizefree radicals.

Since free radicals are one of the major causes of aging, getting rid of themis crucial for staying healthy. Hydrogen–rich water is therefore incrediblyvaluable for fighting the aging process.

Free radicals are everywhere! Free radicals electrons. These nasty invadersricochet through your body and kill your healthy cells. This ages you rapidly,more and more every day, wreaking total havoc with your health.

Everybody is exposed to harmful freeradicals every day due to:

  • Household chemicals and toxins • Environmental pollution • Overuse of prescription drugs
  • Smoking or alcohol consumption • Refined products and processed food • Contaminated water

Itis estimated that 90% of aging and related diseases are caused by dangerousfree radicals. Antioxidants help to get rid of those free radicals.

Hydrogen – Rich Alkaline Water
For necessary antioxidant protection

When you drink hydrogen water, extra electrons in the hydrogen pair up with thefree radicals in your body and convert them harmlessly into water. That’sright, the free radicals become good old H2O. That makes hydrogen water anextremely potent antioxidant.

For Restored pH Balance
It’s important to know, Alkaline Hydrogen water is also alkaline. For many,this is not a problem because their body has natural acid–alkaline buffersagainst becoming too acidic.

With the natural buffers, your body has the ability to maintain blood pH at theoptimum level. However, over–acidity can often occur after a prolonged periodof poor nutrition and stress. Age also plays an important role.

When acidic waste starts to build up in your body from too much stress, toomuch junk food, and just plain getting older, it could mean serious healthproblems.

Good thing there’s Alkaline Hydrogen water. By drinking this water, you’rehelping restore the healthy acid–alkaline buffer levels to regulate your pH.Don’t worry, you won’t go in the other direction and become too alkaline.You’re achieving pH balance and getting rid of health–robbing acid in yourbody.

7.35 – 7.45 (normal blood pH range)
6.8 (death)
7.2 (acidosis)

For Greater Absorbability
Water from the Hexagon™ Water Filtration System 2 has smaller molecules thannormal water. That means that it moves vitamins, minerals and other importantnutrients across cell membranes more easily.

The result? Any health food or supplement you take together with AlkalineHydrogen Water becomes immediately more effective, simply because more of it isgetting into your cells.

Just think about it. Health food andsupplements become instantly more bioavailable thanks to Alkaline HydrogenWater.

For Energy–Infused Water!
Based on his extensive research on frozen water crystals, Dr. Masuru Emoto, aworld–renowned physician and the best–selling author of the book, Messages inthe Water, believes that water is the only substance in the world that takes onthe "footprint" of the energy source it’s exposed to, whether thesource is positive or negative. This is called "resonance effect."

That means, when water is exposed to positive energized material, such as FIRceramic beads and magnetic fields, it theoretically takes on the positivehealing properties.

Not only that, according to Dr. W.H.Kim a professor from Yonsei University,Korea, energy can also be infused physically by rotating the water. Spiralingwater helps to increase hydrogen and oxygen levels.


How Long Do Filters Last?

Here’s a useful formula you can use as a guide.

Formula: No. of people in family x daily water consumption per person = A(daily water consumption for the family)

A x 30 days = B (Water consumption per month for the family)

Filter lifespan: Filter capacity / B

Calculation Example

Let’s calculate for a family of 5, with daily water consumption of 2 liters per person

Using formula above
A: 5 x 2 = 10 liters
B: 10 x 30 days = 300 liters

Lifespan of Filter 1 = 6,000 liters / 300 = 20 months.

Therefore, this family will need to replace Filter 1 every 1 ½ years depending on the area’s water condition (replacement required sooner if water is muddy/dirty

Our Water Filter will fit most Australian standard taps except pull-out kitchen taps and square taps. If you are not sure, please check with us before purchasing or you can try to see it can fit into the tap.  You can try and see if our filter fits your tap and if it does not work, you can return the product. However, when testing the fit, please make sure that the filter is not connected as to prevent water running through the filter if you are just testing the fit. 

As in, for the above sink, you can check the fit of the diverter and adjusting rings and even run water through to check the fit. However, please ensure you do not have the white tubes connecting to the hexagon unit while testing.

Videos show the benefits of Hexagon Alkaline Hydrogen WaterFiltration System and its easy DIY installation.
