The Next Nexus (1989) #1-4.

Written by Mike Baron 
Art and covers  by Steve Rude.

Horation Hellpop, Sickened by his role as the alien Merk's supreme executioner, the conscience of humanity the Nexus gives up the mantle of the legend. Now it falls to three vengeful girls whose driving obsession is to kill their fathers murderer, Horation Hellpop.

"Three Sisters." 
In the regular Nexus book, Horatio Hellpop has resigned as the intergalactic assassin Nexus. But the alien creature The Merk still has a brand of cosmic justice he would like to dispense. Enter the Loomis sisters, three young women with an axe to grind with the former Nexus. And so a deal is struck. The sisters will wield the aliens cosmic energy and perform his missions. But one of the sisters takes on this formidable power with a great deal of reluctance.
The Loomis sisters receive their next assignment from The Merk, only to have the mission become extremely complicated when Lonnie begins a relationship with one of their target's bodyguards.

"Fortissimo." Story by Mike Baron. Art and cover by Steve Rude. Doubts begin to plague the Loomis sisters regarding their association with The Merk as he becomes more and more erratic. Meanwhile, their personal mission becomes more complicated as Horatio is made aware of their plans. But the biggest obstacle of all may be presented by Horatio's daughters.

Two sisters." Story by Mike Baron. Art and cover by Steve Rude. The mini-series concludes as the Loomis sisters confront the original Nexus in final battle. However, the outcome may hinge on the actions of two other young girls.

Cover dates: Jan-Apr 1989
Cover price: $1.95 each