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Old album with 129 photos Lauterwasser, Uberlingen. It has 78 photos stamped on the back by Lauterwasser, 56 of them with corners and 22 with soft glue (some have a ribbon like stamps); another 51 without any brand, of which 7 are attached to the album.

SIZE: 10 cm x 6.7 cm (3.93 x 2.63 in) 
These are the average measurements of the photos, some are larger


PAYMENT: Paypal, Payoneer.

SHIPPING: we shipping worldwide. Shipping only by registered mail (delivery with tracking number). We could combine payment and shipement of several items for reduces costs.  

To Argentine: Delay up to 4 days
To America: Delay up to 12 days
To rest of the world: Delay up to 15 days