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''Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''
Sir Arthur C. Clarke - British writer and scientist 

Radionics Psionics Magical black box  

Wishing Machine 2020 (upgraded) 

Imagine if you had 3 wishes. Well with this device, you have as many as you want. The equivilant of an electronic genie, it amplifies users brain waves 
to make your wishes literally come true!

Be careful what you wish for...

Wishing Machine

The wishing Machine is based on an amazing technology discovered back in the 1950?s called Radionics. It is in effect a Radionic type machine for those of you who may be familiar with the term. It is basically a type of electronic voodoo machine that can be used to effect living things such as plants animals and simple organisms.

 It was discovered by some researchers that it was highly effective against simple organisms such as all types of bacteria, fungus, germs, insects etc. It was used to essentially wipe out these organisms in many experiments.

 The researchers did extensive tests to attempt to determine just what was happening and how the machine worked. They realized that although it was most effective against simple organisms, it was also able to effect animals and humans as well although it required a much longer exposure time of at least several weeks depending on what type of influence they were attempting. It was even used for healing and mind control within the last 50 years.

How it works?

The concept is very simple. You first need to determine what it is you?re trying to achieve such as healing someone, effecting someone?s will such as mind control, or actually effecting your own reality. Then you need a sample of your desired target. If your trying to effect a person then any photograph of them is sufficient, a strand of their hair, a drop of their blood or anything that can be used to represent that person. Now you see why its referred to as electronic voodoo.

 If your trying to effect something about your own reality then it?s a little different. Lets say you want to win the lottery. You can simply take a $100 bill or any other large bill and write on it in as few words as possible exactly what you want such as ?Win Lottery?. 

The Wishing Machine is then hooked up to a metal plate via its connecting wires and plugged to the wall adapter. The sample you are using is then 
placed over this metal plate.

Then simply turn on its power!

If all this sounds too good to be true then I can tell you that there is some real science to back it up. Our Wishing Machine  include some experiments that you can do to prove to yourself that the machine really works!!!


The  Radionics Psionics Magical - Wishing Machine  include:

-Radionics Machine Unit

-Copper witness-specimen well plate

-Upgraded Psionic Amplifier

-Red light led broadcast indicator

-Powerful internal antenna

-Female jack connection 

-Works with adapter 9V 125mA DC *NOT INCLUDED*

-Download link for Intructional and experiments booklet

We only use Premium quality electronic components
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if you win the auction you will have the exact item as 
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€€€€€€€€''Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic'' 
Arthur C. Clarke - British writer and scientist€