Menu - glass Kettle Teapot 750ml,

With original parts , In excellent clean condition , it’s only been used once !


Stainless steel



Colour Transparent

Dimensions Height: 14 cm

Weight 370 g (without packaging)

Capacity 0.75 l

Cleaning Handwash only

EAN 5709262983568

Design Norm Architects

Glass Teapot

Kettle from Menu is a traditional teapot in a modern design and a tribute to the pleasant and relaxing act of drinking tea. Kettle was designed by Norm Architects. The teapot is made of glass and has a practical tea-egg in the middle, with which you can freshly brew your tea.

Tea has become a natural part of a healthy lifestyle and the brewing of the hot drink is almost like a meditative ritual. "Tea is so much more than a cup of hot water. We believe that all the health benefits of tea have earned a beautiful teapot, where you can also see how the tea brews", according to designers Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen and Kasper Rønn from Norm Architects .

With this background, the designers from Norm created the "Kettle" for Menu. It is a transparent mixture of Asian Zen philosophy and modern Scandinavian architecture - in which two traditions embrace each other. With its visual clarity, Kettle guarantees a visual experience of the tea, with a genuine Scandinavian touch.

A pretty and at the same time practical detail in the middle of the pot is the tea-egg. If the tea has brewed long enough, one simply pulls the egg out of it by the silicone tie. "The traditional red silk tie in old books inspired us to create the silicone tie. Moreover we added a small label, similar to those from a teabag", according to the Norm designers.