Nerium oleander is a shrub or small tree cultivated worldwide in temperate and subtropical areas as an ornamental and landscaping plant. It is so widely cultivated that no precise region of origin has been identified, though it is usually associated with the Mediterranea.

Nerium grows to 2–6 m (7–20 ft) tall. It is most commonly grown in its natural shrub form but can be trained into a small tree with a single trunk. It is tolerant to both drought and inundation, but not to prolonged frost. White, pink or red five-lobed flowers grow in clusters year-round, peaking during the summer. The fruit is a long narrow pair of follicles, which splits open at maturity to release numerous downy seeds.

Several compounds in nerium exhibit toxicity, and it has historically been considered a poisonous plant. Ingestion of larger amounts may cause nausea, vomiting, excess salivation, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea, and irregular heart rhythm. Prolonged contact with sap may cause skin irritation, eye inflammation and dermatitis.

Growing Neruim Oleander from seed

Sowing time: March, April

Sowing mix: compost + perlite, ready made c

Location: 6-hours a day sun light, moist potting mix, not wet

Germination time: 14-30 days

Germination Method:

Fill the seed-raising tray with moist potting soil. Firm the soil in the container with your fingers.

Spread the oleander seeds over the soil in the seed-raising tray. Sprinkle thin layer of soil over the seeds. Lightly tamp the soil with your fingertips so it sits firmly over the seeds.

Water the seeds with a spray bottle; aim to keep the soil moist, not soggy.

Cover the seed-raising tray with clear plastic wrap or cover to insulate the seeds and to help maintain the soil moisture until the seeds germinate.

Place the seed tray in a sunlit area. Aim for a temperature of 20C (68 Fahrenheit). As an alternative, suspend fluorescent lights above the tray. Moisten the soil, as needed, throughout the germination process. Expect the seeds to germinate within approximately one month.

Transplant the seedlings to individual pots once their second set of true leaves appear. Plant them outdoors in a sun-filled area at the beginning of summer.

You can also start your seeds using wet towel method

Spread your seeds on kitchen roll paper, spray it with water, fold it (if you have a lot of seeds cover with another sheet), put in a zip lock plastic bag and store it in the warm place like a window sill. After approximately 7-10 day yiu will see some seed germinated.

Prepare individual small pots with sowing potting mix and sprinkle it with water. Take the seeds that developed roots carefully using twizzers from the paper and place them in the pot. Cover with poting medium just enough to seeds no show. Place in well lit area and keep warm.

After another 7 days you will see the sprouts.

Do not discard the seeds that did not germinate but put them back in bag and check every few days.

Repot the seedlings when they overgrow the pot.


We DO provide combined shipping! 

Simply add all the items you want to buy to your cart and pay full shipping for the first packet of seeds and a small additional cost for every next packet.

!!!!We only sell fresh seeds with high germination rates!!!!

Please follow the sowing guides for the best results.

We will be glad to hear your feedback and some pictures if you feel like sharing.

If you have any questions regarding our seeds please send us a message and we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for shopping with us!  

Regards, Julia