Custom designed by me to be the absolute best Big Agnes adapter in existence for the TinyPump 2X! You simply cannot buy better : )

Like you, I was looking for a solution because none of the adapters that come with the 2X properly fit the Big Agnes inflation valve.

You ‘can’ combine the large nozzle and grey rubber funnel but you still need to hold it in place, plus it still leaks a bit of air.

I looked around on EBay and Etsy and wasn’t impressed with what I saw, so I set out to design and produce something better. Once I’d done that I wanted to make it available for a lower cost than what others charge for an inferior product… and this is the result : )

After lots of measuring and trial and error, my adapter perfectly fits the Big Agnes valve with a lovely satisfying ‘clunk’ as it snaps into place, providing hands free inflation with no leakage.

It’s a nice secure fit on the pump… not too tight so it will never come off, but tight enough to leave fitted knowing it won’t fall off in your rucksack. And because my adapter is so low profile you can leave it on the pump without worrying that it will snap off.

Compared with the nozzle / funnel combo you can see just how much more compact it is, and it’s half the weight at 4 grams.

If you have a TinyPump 2X and a Big Agnes mat such as the popular Rapide SL (my personal favourite)… then you need this in your life! : )