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Originally released in 1983 the J.U.M.P. (Jet Mobile Propulsion Unit) features positionable support legs (4), a removable jet pack and laser gun.

Custom aftermarket black power cord with intact end-pegs - more flexible version, I've had to shave down one end to fit it into the laser gun - it might be best to just glue it in place after you jam it in there with needle-nose plyers, CUSTOM AFTERMARKET original style green laser gun with RARE intact side sight piece, jet-pack and console are easily lost from the J.U.M.P. The incredible custom cast after-market 2007 Convention Exclusive "Tanks for the Memories" flames look awesome. The lattice of the launch pad are all intact, and all 4 legs slide on and fit snug.  The clips that secure the console to the platform are intact.

The two 1991 IMPEL cards #54 are near mint and great for display.

Please look at the multiple pictures of every angle I have provided, in high resolution, to make your own decision on the grade of the item - good luck finding another sale where this much detail is disclosed!

The J.U.M.P., or Jet Mobile Propulsion Unit, is like many other weapons used by the Joes in that it is highly experimental. It essentially consists of a strap-on, back-mounted rocket pack that gives the Joe wearing it exceptional air-based mobility, and is itself possessed of these statistics:

Mounted on the J.U.M.P. as a sort of sidearm is a laser rifle similar to that which Flash uses as part of his field weaponry, one that can be used to inflict Armor Piercing Energy damage with each deadly burst, and can fire about ten shots before it needs to be recharged.

The J.U.M.P., which has a top speed of about 150 miles per hour, can fly for up to two hours without needing a refuel. The controls for the pack, along with an infrared sight are located on top of the laser rifle - allowing its pilot to effectively fly and shoot at the same time.

The J.U.M.P.'s operation is enhanced by these features:

Control Station: this computer has a specialized hookup with the J.U.M.P. that allows it to run diagnostic tests on the unit, as well as properly monitor the rocket pack while it is in use. It can track the J.U.M.P. with average ability, meaning that this feature works as long as the pack is within 100 miles.

Gear Cases: the J.U.M.P. has, spread about its other features, various cases filled with useful gear. It has a fully stocked first aid kit, tool kit, and a few spare parts should the rocket pack get damaged slightly while being used in the field.

Launch Pad: this V.T.O.L platform, especially designed for use with the J.U.M.P., is built from a magnesium frame (lightweight for transport purposes) but topped with a titanium landing pad, which can easily resist the flames and thrust generated by the J.U.M.P.'s taking off and landing.

Refueling Stations: the J.U.M.P. is usually mounted on a special rack adjacent to its launch pad, one that hooks into the fuel pump and power pack of the rocket pack and laser rifle, respectively. Assuming a ready supply of fuel and electricity is available, the J.U.M.P. can be used in the field long-term.


This is a Black Major custom, aftermarket figure. He has good joints, very little paint wear / paint rubs, New O-ring and no screw rust.

Appearance: black hair; short-sleeved, open-collared black shirt with green strap or holster; green gloves and brown boots; light grey and black camouflage pants with green belt.

Accessories: CUSTOM AFTERMARKET black "Breaker" helmet with red star on front; black  CUSTOM AFTERMARKET visor (a repaint of the 1982 clear visors); CUSTOM AFTERMARKET original style green JUMP jet pack; CUSTOM AFTERMARKET green laser gun with intact sight, an additional brown helmet and a black gas can. The figure stand pictured is included. I did have to cut down the one end peg that connects into the laser gun better, not perfect but it does work. I have included an additional torso style.

Starduster was a circus trapeze artist when he enlisted in the Airborne Rangers. He quickly found that his acrobatic skills and boundless energy would come in handy when swinging from a 150-foot rope. But now he did his famous routines suspended from a Huey Assault Copter—with the audience throwing more than just popcorn and peanuts. It was Duke, however, who recognized how well Starduster's death-defying act would work with the JUMP Jetpack. The combination has been a crowd-pleaser ever since.
"We could be pinned down by artillery, rockets, and flanking small-arms fire—every inch of sky lit by tracer, the lead so thick in the air even the mosquitoes would take cover—but Starduster would be out there in a flash to spot the bad guys. No questions. Straight up into the flack with his characteristic 'show must go on' attitude, grinning like a Cheshire cat as he calls in enemy positions for our own artillery to hit. The guy never fails to keep the act interesting."

Like fellow G.I. Joe operative Taurus, Edward began his career as a circus acrobat. Unlike Taurus, he is a consummate performer, preferring to wow the crowds with amazing feats of agility in the air, instead of breaking 2x4 boards with his face.  Eventually wandering into government service, Edward became an Airborne ranger, because what else was he going to do with his natural skills? He naturally excelled at his job, and could perform flawlessly even when dangling out of a helicopter from a 150 foot rope.

His ability to function - and even fight - under such adverse conditions got Edward noticed by none other than Duke himself, who thought that he could make good use of Edward and his high-flying combat show. He quickly recruited the man onto the G.I. Joe team.  Once he was through the horrifying G.I. Joe entrance exam, Edward was given advanced gear in the form of the J.U.M.P. jet pack, and began to show the Joes it was capable of things they couldn't imagine. A bit of official schooling and on the job training, and Edward was off!

He quickly proved to the team that he's one of their best bets where air support is concerned. No matter how hairy conditions might be, he's all too happy to slip up into the air and provide the team some cover - or simply scout out enemy positions from his higher altitude.  Edward performed his duty with the G.I. Joe team for the duration of its original incarnation, only leaving when it was disbanded for a time back in 1994. Edward returned to his circus show at that time, possible even more fearless than before, thanks to his military training. 
