Chumpi Energy Stones Carved in Stone - Sacred Healing Tools

This set of Chumpi energy stones, meticulously carved into stone by a lineage of revered shamans. These sacred stones are imbued with the power to harmonize and balance the energetic structure, working in conjunction with the ñawis (chakras) to promote healing and spiritual alignment.

Each intricately carved tip of these Chumpi stones represents one of the seven sacred mountains of the Andes, including Apu Sacsayhuaman, Apu Salcantay, Apu Ausangate, Apu Pahatusan, Apu Senccapicol, Apu Kuntur and Apu Chicon. These mountains have immense spiritual significance and are believed to be connected to the Earth's energy grid, channeling powerful energies that resonate with the human psyche and soul.

Used in sacred healing ceremonies for generations, these Chumpi stones This set of chumpi handcrafted by Peruvian Cusco artisans