The tensor ring actually possess infinite energy source which is not magnetic or electric. It’s a superconductor that effectively neutralizes any magnetic field whole bringing coherency in terms of chaotic situations. It also produces measurable effect of gravity.

Tensor rings, created using precise lengths of 99.99% pure copper wire or sterling silver, are designed to resonate and generate a frequency of 432MHz. This process is rooted in mathematical calculations that determine the exact length of copper wire needed to achieve the desired frequency resonance. The 432MHz frequency is chosen for its alignment with natural harmonics and is believed to promote a sense of harmony and well-being in the surrounding environment.

The concept behind these tensor rings is not simply about tuning to a frequency but about constructing a tool that inherently resonates at this frequency due to its physical and geometric properties. This approach combines principles of sacred geometry with the conductive qualities of copper to create an energetic field that resonates in harmony with the Earth's natural frequencies.

These tensor rings are often used in practices aimed at enhancing environmental and personal well-being, including meditation, energy work, and space clearing. The use of pure copper and precise measurements ensures that the rings are effective conduits for the intended frequency, providing a subtle yet impactful influence on their surroundings.

Creating tensor rings with precise lengths to resonate at the 432MHz frequency can have various beneficial impacts, rooted in the unique properties of this frequency and the design of the rings themselves.

  1. Harmony with Natural Frequencies: The 432MHz frequency is believed to be in harmony with the natural world, promoting a greater sense of alignment with the Earth's vibrations.
  2. Enhanced Meditation: The calming influence of the 432MHz resonance can deepen meditation practices, facilitating a more profound connection to one's inner self.
  3. Stress Reduction: The soothing frequency can help lower stress levels, creating a more peaceful and relaxing environment.
  4. Improved Sleep Quality: The tranquil ambiance fostered by the 432MHz resonance can contribute to better sleep, helping individuals to fall asleep more easily and experience deeper rest.
  5. Positive Energy Flow: The frequency can help in clearing negative energies from the environment, promoting a flow of positive energy.
  6. Conducive to Healing: While not making direct health claims, the peaceful environment created by the tensor ring's resonance can support relaxation and well-being, which are conducive to healing processes.
  7. Enhanced Focus and Concentration: The calming effect of the 432MHz frequency can also aid in improving focus and concentration, particularly in work or study environments.
  8. Increased Creativity: By fostering a more relaxed and stress-free environment, these tensor rings can create a space that nurtures creativity and inspiration.
  9. Environmental Purification: The tensor rings can be used to energetically cleanse spaces, removing stagnant energies and promoting a fresh and vibrant atmosphere.
  10. Support for Yoga and Exercise: The serene environment enhanced by the 432MHz tensor rings can complement yoga and gentle exercise routines, making the practice more enjoyable and effective.

It's important to note that while many individuals find tensor rings tuned to specific frequencies like 432MHz to be beneficial, experiences can vary, and the effects might be subtle and subjective.


Construction Of A Tensor Ring

Each Tensor Ring has been lovingly made with high quality and purity 99.999% Copper wire with thicknesses ranging from 1.5 - 5mm. They all have a nice copper shine finish and very sturdy.

When you start to cut pieces of wire to particular length referred to as Cubit length, the wire will act or resonate as transformer to unique cosmic energies and then draw this energy to the wire. There are numerous different Cubit lengths utilized by modern civilizations through diverse ages. On a phone conversation with physicist Spurling last February 2005, Slim stated that he had found out that old Egyptian Royal Cubit with measures 54mm+/- 2 mm is more useful for bio-physical energy.

This formed a non-polar pole of light. The next condition, which is the second condition, for the formation of a functioning Tensor Ring is the span of the wire. A lot of people is familiar and heard of the Cubit that is defined as a component of measure as of megalithic structures approximately the entire globe. The exacting Cubit span for the Spurling Rings came from the Great Pyramid of .

When the wire is coiled, you actually trigger orgone (Chi, Prana – has many different names) energy into spiral movements. If coil is being laid out on the flat plan, energy will be scattered vertically and laterally. If the coil is stretched to vertical plane, one will get vertical and cone-shaped spiral on top of spiral in unique vortex fashion.

Benefits Of Tensor Rings

There are actually numerous uses of tensor ring such as the following great advantages when using these tools:
  • Pineal Gland
  • Wear on head during meditation
  • Use as bracelet
  • Psychic enhancement
  • Harmonisers can neutralise radiation, chemtrails and mind control if used with a frequency generator
  • When the ring is put under the bed, it effectively neutralizes negative fields of geo-pathic origin
  • The ring can also be utilized to increase meditative state and improve manifestation success
  • It can effectively clean an aura when slowly lowered from the head going down to the foot and reaches the back part of the body
  • It can potentate and neutralise chemicals in water by setting the bottle over and under the tensor rings
  • It can keep the swimming pool clean by placing the ring at the pump
  • It can also be used in shower head
Harmonizers seem to boost human consciousness through pulsing cosmic L-field or light field which possess positive harmonizing energy. A person’s energy is actually set in motion which continues along with its presence. Everything and everyone can actually get affected but in an optimistic manner. In fact, the more the world has light in it, the more chances it can support increasing people’s consciousness.

Locations To Place Tensor Rings

You can place a Tensor Ring in almost any location and see improvements the secret is trial and error, sometimes a smaller ring may be enough to neutralise negative energy or to improve meditations or manifestations then again you may need a larger ring or a ring made from a different cubit as each resonates at a different frequency. So the best thing to do is try and try again as I have many different cubits as each will give different properties available such as Lost,Sacred, New, Kings (Royal), Empowerment, Solomans, Black, Energy, Galactic, & Remet Cubits.
  • Wear on head during meditation
  • Wear on Wrists
  • Under cushion or meditation mat whilst meditating or manifesting
  • On fingers and wrists to protect against radiation
  • Around neck for meditation, chakra alignemt and radiation protection
  • Harmoniser Outside or inside connected to frequency generator to neutralise chemtrails and weather modification
  • Underneath and on top of fridge freezer, cooler, microwave, oven, as they all give of radiation and carbon minoxide
  • Place under glass of drink
  • On top and underneath drinking water tap or place over forcet
  • Water Tank underneath and on top
  • Under food storage cupboard
  • Place one ring around each electricity socket
  • Can be placed within orgonite devices, chembusters, cloudbusters to amplify energy or sit devices within the ring
  • Used with radionics machines
  • Television, Laptop or Monitor
  • WiFi Router - Underneath and On top
  • Sky or Tivo Box
  • Xbox, Playstation or other games consoles
  • Attach to wireless headsets, controllers etc
  • Mobile, cell phones - anything wireless
  • Electric Power packs
  • Under bed, pillows, mattress, sofa seats
  • Place under plate of fruit, food on each shelf in fridge/cooler
  • Putting around each light switch will reduce the effects of electric feedback from dirty electricity
  • One ring per lamp or light but not directly on the bulb as it may melt the ring or cause short circuit, lamps and lights are a high source of radiation
  • Place over smart meter, electricity box, gas intake pipe - Please do not open anything or tamper with pipes or boxes as it may be illegal in your country
  • Tensor Generator are best if hung in each corner of your room to give an amazing energy and clear area for healing, reiki, manifestation, sleep etc
  • PC & Printer
  • Carry in pocket, wallet or bag
  • Wear as a pendant or key ring
  • Place on each chakra when laying down meditating
  • Underneath and on top of boiler
  • Attach to drinking or bath Water intake pipe
  • Place at each corner of bath
  • Attach rings to shower head
  • On dog or cats collar if they suffer badly from radiation
  • Place underneath plants pot or ideally bury in soil