Martin D12-35 Made in 1969


This model, made in 1969, has an eye-catching slotted head.It has a 3-piece back design and the undulating heather grain of Jacaranda used for the body material is eye-catching.
In addition, it uses a slotted head, and although it does not have the flashy decorations of the 40s, it has enough information and charm to be enjoyed when viewed with the heathered grain.
Now, regarding the sound, the sound emitted from the somewhat capacious 12F joint body is very rich and well-balanced.
It has the potential to fully satisfy those looking for a 12-string guitar with a sound that is free from noise and has a well-defined sound from start to sustain.
Please enjoy the unique atmosphere of live instruments that cannot be created with effectors.

As for the condition, the nut and pickguard have been replaced.
There are also crack repair marks on both the 1st and 6th string sides between the end of the fingerboard and the sound hole, and there are also crack repair marks under the pickguard and on the shoulder of the 6th string side of the body back.
In addition, the back of the body has been refinished and looks glossy and beautiful compared to the sides and top.
There are other scratches and signs of use commensurate with the model year, such as cracks in the binding and repair marks for peeling off the bridge.
Vintage from the good old days, it's not something you can find that often.
If you are looking for this item, please include it in your list.
truss rod
Frets about 60% 70%
Manufacture year: 1969
Country of manufacture: USA
Case hard case non-genuine
Serial number 251846
Weight kg
Manufacture year unknown
Serial number 251846