Enhance your sewing and crafting projects with this set of 3 J&P Coats stretch lace seam binding in a beautiful yellow color. Made of high-quality nylon material, this lot of seam binding is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your designs. Whether you're creating a stunning dress or a unique piece of home decor, this versatile and durable seam binding is sure to impress.

Ideal for both beginners and experienced seamstresses, this set of 3 J&P Coats stretch lace seam binding is a must-have for anyone who loves to sew and create. With its bright and cheerful yellow color, this nylon material will instantly brighten up any project and add a pop of color. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to enhance your crafting skills and create something truly unique.

2 packages have 2 1/2 yards of 2” wide while there is 1 package of 3 yards of 3/4” wide binding. All measures are appropriate.