Apple IIc Flat Display.


On April 24th, 1984, Apple introduced a new addition to their Apple II series: the Apple IIc Flat Panel Display. This innovative display promised to revolutionize the way users viewed their computer screens.

The Apple IIc Flat Panel Display featured a 7-inch monochrome display, the ability to display 80 columns by 24 rows, and support for double hi-res graphics. It also had a DB-15 port connection, making it easy to connect to other devices.

At the time of its release, the display had a starting price of $595. However, despite its impressive features, the display was only manufactured and sold by Apple for six years. On September 1st, 1990, the Apple IIc Flat Panel Display was discontinued.

Today, the Apple IIc Flat Panel Display is 39 years old. While it may not be in production anymore, it’s a testament to the innovation and creativity of Apple in the 80s. It’s a reminder of a time when technology was rapidly advancing and companies like Apple were at the forefront of that change.

The Apple IIc Flat Panel Display is a rare item and may be no longer be available for purchase, but it will always hold a special place in the history of Apple and the technology industry as a whole.