The Franklin Heirloom Library 1980 Ancient Roman & Greek Literature Collection is a limited edition set of 7-quarter leather-bound hardcover books published by Franklin Library. Written in English, this collection features classic works of ancient literature and world literature & classics. Ideal for adult readers, this Vintage collection is a must-have for those interested in exploring the rich history and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. This set is perfect for both personal reading and as a collector's item.

Individual books may be purchased on request.
Shipping price is based on the entire collection being shipped.
Within the collection are (in order of images displayed):

Great Greek Tragedies Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides - $30
 - Aeschylus
    - Agamemnon
    - Prometheus Bound
 - Sophocles
    - Oedipus the King
    - Antigone
 - Euripides
    - Medea
    - The Bacchae

Homer - The Iliad - $100

Homer - The Odyssey - $150

Plato - Selected Dialogues - $30

Plutarch - Selected Lives - $50

Taticus - The Annals - $40

Virgil - The Aeneid - $40