************I Made a Quick Video on How to test these on a Know fully working Lens Assembly. ****************
This is the easiest way to test any Spindel off the Lens Assembly for quick testing of each. 
TEST and ADJUST your Laser board POT First before buying. 
Try from 75 up to 300 ohms on the laser board pot FIRST before buying a Spindle.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^These Spindles hardly ever have an issue. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
If the laser board or lens does Not get the first read, then it does Not send a signal to the spindle to spin.
Even if you see the red light on the lens Still a bad laser board or it's adjustment might be the issue. 
 A bad Laser board or if the pot is not adjusted correctly will make the spindle Not move.
Spindles are usually ONLY needed to be replaced if your top disk piece broke off.
I have worked on over 1000 of these so I know them well.
Contact me directly for any help needed at any time. 
These are good replacement spindles.
 It comes with the three screws. 
I have a few of these as pictured.