On May 23, 1980, The Shining premiered in theaters across North America. It was directed by acclaimed filmmaker Stanley Kubrick and presented to audiences as a movie based on Stephen King’s novel. But the similarity between novel and film has been a subject of debate amongst fans and critics ever since the release of the movie. Does Kubrick’s version of The Shining accurately depict the story of King’s novel about one man’s descent into madness while spending the winter with his family in a haunted hotel? Or, was it Kubrick’s objective to reveal a different story altogether? The Shining Revealed examines the narrative behind Stanley Kubrick's 1980 masterpiece along with the various themes and motifs weaved into the film. Furthermore, it includes a scene-by-scene analysis, which provides possible answers to the questions the audience is left to ponder once they have seen the film. Who is the woman in room 237? Why is Jack in the Fourth of July photograph from 1921? Is the Overlook Hotel actually haunted? These obscurities and more are explored using actions and events that occur in the film, transforming the ambiguity of the plot into reason and meaning.