Dollhouse Miniature Mounted Dahl Big Horn Sheep by Lawbre

Mounting   is 2 1/2" tall by 2" wide by 1 3/42"  deep

We combine shipping on multiple buys. To do so eBay requires that you place each item in the CART before paying, in order to combine the shipping charge.

 SALES TAX: ALL Internet sales tax will be automatically added, collected, and submitted by eBay.

We have 7 eBay selling sites:


ibbminis For unique baskets, tables, Quimper and Canalware


mini-mini-things For hand painted Beate teapots, pitchers, plates


pretty-porcelain For Valerie Casson hand painted whimsical teapots


vintage-estate For William Clinger chairs


vintage-silver1 For Pete Acquisto silver


mini-mini-things2 For English cranberry glass, miscellaneous items


vintage-minis For miscellaneous Vintage items


To visit these sites: Click advanced in the upper right hand corner of any eBay page, then By seller , check only show items , then enter the site name. ie ibbminis, pretty-porcelain, etc.


For Beate, Casson, Clinger, or Acquisto items it might be easier to just do a eBay search, there may be a few items from other dealers, but most will be ours



Larry and Betty Herman


P.S. At shows we sell as Itty Bitty Builder