YearTitleDirectorLeading PeopleSound/ SilentImageLengthSummaryProducerType\Misc.CultureCond.

1927Октябрь  Oktiabr (October)    October: Ten Days That Shook the WorldS.M. Eisenstein, assisted by Grigori AlexandranovNikandrov, N. Popov, Boris Livanov, Eduard Tisse, Photography by Eduard TisseSilent, with English And German intertitlesB/W, Gevaert Safety Film.. 1600' segmentUp for auction. This rare 1600'+ continuous 16mm film segment of the soviet revolution goes from ...February 1917 to October 25, 1917 - 10 a.m. Leniln out of hiding into the stoley..See details below.  SovkinoDrama SovietOriginal print in very good condition 

This 1600' continuous segment of film opens with the elation after the February Revolution and the establishment of the Provisional Government, depicting the throwing down of the Tsar's monument. It moves quickly to point out it's the "same old story" of war and hunger under the Provisional Government, however. The buildup to the October Revolution is dramatized with intertitles marking the dates of events.
April 1917 Vladimir Lenin returns to Petrograd's Finland railway station packed with supporters.
July 1917 The demonstrations in Nevsky Square are fired upon by the army. The government orders the working class to be cut off from the city center, and in a dramatic sequence the bridges are raised with the bodies of the Bolsheviks still on them as the Bourgeoisie throw copies of the Bolshevik newspaper into the river.
The Bolshevik headquarters also is destroyed by the ruling class, and the Provisional Government orders the arrest of Lenin, who has gone underground but continues to direct the plans for the uprising. Provisional Government leader Alexander Kerensky is mockingly characterized and compared to a mechanical peacock and Napoleon, before satirically being accused of aspiring to the Russian throne.
General Kornilov advances his troops on Petrograd "for God and country." While the government is helpless the Bolsheviks rally to the defense. The Bolsheviks take control of the city's arsenal and General Kornilov is arrested. Leaflets spread the messages of the revolution, and workers are trained to use weapons for the "last and decisive battle."
October 1917 The Bolshevik Committee votes to approve Lenin's proposal to revolt.
24 October Lenin returns to the Smolny after four months in hiding and takes control of the uprising on the eve of the 25th. A message is sent to the people declaring the Provisional Government is deposed as of 25 October at 10 AM.Out of hiding, into the stoley. Tenth Anniversary Celebration documenting symbolically at times, the fall of Tsar, the ensuing provisional government and its collapse, and the coming to power at end of WWI, Lenin and Boshevic revolution. Interesting symbolism.  This Reel one ends with Lenin incognito...