These are authentic hand-woven antique Turkish Kilim rugs crafted from 100% wool. Featuring stunning multi coloured designs that will add an instant pop of colour to any space. The Kilim style and production technique make them unique additions to any collection.

Crafted by skilled artisans, the rugs feature intricate designs and regional Turkish  influences make them must-have for collectors of rare and unique rugs. Perfect as wall hangings or floor coverings, these pieces are sure to impress.

Please note because of their age there may be some age related wear and tear but despite this after many years they are still amazingly vibrant.

Previously used as wall display pieces.

Main Rug Measurements: 135 x 77cm

2 Smaller rugs: 40 x 32cm

1 Small rug: 33 x 30cm

From a pet and smoke free home