3.2" 276g Beautiful Black & White Agate Heart Quartz Crystal Carving Reiki Love


This amazing Druzy Geode Heart is beautifully carved out of Black & White Agate and is 3.2" wide!

She is carved from high quality Black Agate! She has beautiful patterns of Black and White Agate running through her! I fell in love with all of her spiral patterns, like a bullseye, and that's why I chose her! I took lots of close-up photos of her spirals and other patterns so you can fall in love with her too! (see photos)

(stand not included)

Agate is a stablizing crystal that aids in balancing the emotions. It harmonizes the energy in your body, stabilizing and centering your mind and soul. Agate is a powerful protection stone that attracts strength. It promotes self-acceptance and encourages confidence. Agate can help you overcome negativity and bitterness. Because it is such a stabilizing stone, Agate has long been associated with the Root Chakra. It aids in centering physical energy and the aura. It grounds you physically, but also emotionally and mentally. Agate encourages security and protects from negative energy and negative influence.

Crystal hearts can be made of diverse minerals and crystals, but even if it's not their natural shape, the heart-shaped crystals still radiate pure energies that will fill your heart with love, compassion, and happiness. People traditionally associate the heart shape with love, romance, and relationships.