The $5 monthly plan is no longer being offered by Helium mobile, new customers pay $20 per month. 

It is impossible to find this deal anywhere else, it is no longer being sold, talk about rare! 

Once these are sold out, I cannot get anymore, ever! 

Lucky for you, I have several phones on the $5 monthly plan and they're good for life. 

$5/monthly Miami, Helium Mobile Plan Grandfathered in for life.

Comes with phone, SIM card, Account, email and Google Auth code.

Phone is BLU G43, 64 gig, dual SIM, unlocked with protector case, plus helium mobile SIM card already installed, activated and paid for this month.

You will need to update the credit card information to continue service prior to June 3rd 2024.

You can also change the email address of the account if you wish to do so. 

Do your research about helium mobile phone service and earning helium mobile tokens if you haven't already. 

Ultimately, it's free phone service since you can pay with the $Mobile tokens that you earn daily, plus you make a profit... 

My phones average around $90 in profit per month at the moment. 

That can obviously go up or down, but you'll never earn less than the $5 per month, that's for sure. 

What you're getting exactly is my $5 monthly helium mobile account, with username, email, password, google auth, the BLU G43 phone, phone case, original box, charging cable and SIM card already installed and working, paid up until May 3rd. 

nationwide coverage

browse as much as you like**

chat and post all day

unlimited texts & calls

earn MOBILE tokens

only $20/month

(or free if you prepay with your MOBILE tokens!)