Pick 5 Disks for the Ensoniq eps, eps16+, asr10, Ts10 or Ts12.

We have a huge list of floppy disks at our website.  Just Pick any 5 disks.  The 3.5" disks are DS/DD 3.5" Floppy disks in EPS16+ format.  These disks are compatible with all of the samplers listed above.

See disk list pictures attached!

Send us the 3 digit code:   For example  Disk #  115 humpty set drums.

Send us a line of text like this:  321, 115, 900, 420, 528  etc. 

no spaces, just a period between the numbers.  Also include your ebay purchase code and your paypal payment code if available.  SEND US YOUR LIST OF DISKS FOR THE ENSONIQ WHEN YOU PAY WITH PAYPAL.  THERE IS A NOTE SECTION TO TELL US THE DISK NUMBERS!  or EBAY email system.


ANY QUESTIONS??? PLEASE  use ebay mail system.  If you dont tell us which disks you want, we may either cancel your order or pick 5 disks for you, without notification.  See disk list pictures attached.