Squaric Acid Dibutyl Ester in the Treatment of Alopecia Areata

SADBE (1%) 

The active substance of Sadbe provides very successful results in the treatment of  ringworm especially in early intervention. Ringworm disease can cause serious social stress in a short time due to hair loss. There are many applications in the treatment of ringworm (alopecia areata) (garlic rape, using cortisone drugs, cortisone injections, immunotherapy, etc.).

One of the most effective substances used in the treatment of ringworm is DPCP (difoncyron- Di Phen Ci Prin) and the other is Squaric Acid Di Butyl Ester (S.A.D.B.E). It is one of the most used methods in the treatment of ringworm in the world. Scientifically, these two substances are used for the cause of the disease in ringworm drugs. These substances are DPCP (difacronron) and SADBE.

Hair Pharma has produced and sold SADBE as a ready-made preparation in the form of roll-on. Taking Biotin supplement with Sadbe also increases the speed and effect of the treatment process. Therefore, we recommend the use of HP Biotin 5 mg food supplement in combination with SADBE.


Squaric Acid Di Butyl Ester (SADBE)% 1

The cause of the ringworm disease is the reaction of the body's immune system to its own tissue. This reaction causes damage to the hair follicle and causes ringworm. The use of Sadbe prevents damage to the hair follicle by these substances that are harmful to the root due to immunotherapy (immune system therapy).

Capsaicin 0.075%

Provides skin irritation and regional blood supply increase in the area of ​​application. These effects are the same effect as the effect of garlic application.


It prevents the evaporation of the active substances applied and makes it more effective in the area used.


SADBE is an expensive active ingredient. It is not very practical to use alopecia totalis with all hair in the scalp and alopecia universalis  in which all hairs are shed.


No side effects, rarely allergic effect. Irritation of the skin is not an allergy symptom and Sadbe should not be discontinued.


The product prepared as roll-on is applied until the area of ​​hair loss gets wet, it should be applied 2-3 times a day. If skin irritation occurs, the frequency of use should be reduced and then increased again. If adequate wetness cannot be achieved during use, the bottle should be inverted and applied.

It should be used until the recovery is achieved in the area that is ringworm. The life cycle of the hair is known to be 2-4 months, so it should be used for 3-4 months to achieve effect.

If Sadbe treatment is not effective after 4 months of use (the probability of not responding to treatment is about 5%), then Sadbe application should be terminated. If there is a positive improvement in the period of use, treatment should be continued. Usually within 4-6 months, the expected positive result is obtained.

What should I also know about SADBE?

It should not be used in pregnancy and should not be used if breast feeding.


Regional Hair Loss - Regional Beard Loss - Regional Brow Loss