Join The Dojo’s Chief Budo Instructor, Sensei Todd Ryotoshi Norcross (9th Dan/8th Dan/3rd Dan), as he guides you through the fundamentals of the infamous Shuriken - Hidden Hand Blades of the Samurai and Ninja.

On this Basics DVD:

Shapes and Types of Stars
Shuriken Hand to Hand Taijutsu Combat Principles
6 Sub-Skills Shurikenjutsu 
Uses of the Shuriken in History
Kneeling Throws 
Standing Throws
Long-Distance Throws
Grip Techniques
Bo Shuriken Throwing
Outdoor Long-Distance Challenge
The Purpose of Training in Weaponry

Produced by The Dojo Martial Arts

Copyright 2021

Warning: Do not try these techniques without qualified instruction.

Order these other titles offered by The Dojo Martial Arts here on Ebay:

Ninja Sword Basic Techniques DVD

Striking the Tree - Level 1 Basics, Striking, Kicking, Fists, Stances, Rolling, Techniques

Throws of Budo - Basic Off-Balancing Throws of the Samurai

Hanbo - Short Staff of the Ninja basics

Bo - Long-Staff Fundamentals

Naginata - Samurai Pole-Arm of Power

Kenjutsu Kihon - Samurai Sword Fundamentals

Advanced Kenjutsu - Old-Style Sengoku period Battlefield Techniques

Fire and Steel - Pistol Disarm DVD

Ninjutsu Tap Outs and Finishes DVD

Fire and Ice - Level 2 Intermediate Techniques of The Dojo