"Cartoons Out of my Own Head" by Virgil Partch, better known as Vip. 1964 Fawcett / Gold Medal Books  (k1409). Stated First Printing, April 1964. One or two one panel cartoons on every page. Mass market paperback. Price on cover: 40 cents.

The author has signed this book on the inner front cover, and has also inscribed it to a former owner, and added an original drawing. The inscription reads: "To R.K. ERICKSON / HOPE YOU LIKE THIS / CULTURAL WORK OF MINE / Vip". (Slashes represent a new line.) Under the inscription, taking up almost half the page, is a profile cartoon head in the Vip style. This book was found at a suburban Chicago estate sale that appeared to be of a family named Erickson. The writing was done with a black marker.

Also included in this set was a laid in 3"x5" unlined index card that appears to be a Vip calling card, hand drawn. The card has Virgil Partch's name, city (Capistrano Beach, Calif.), and zip code, his phone number with area code, and another hand drawn character's head, resting on a hand as in thought. He also added his distinct "Vip" signature to the top of the card. This is likely a business address, as according to the Online Archive of California ( https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt7580397m/entire_text/ ), Partch lived a few towns north of Capistrano Beach). 

Virgil Partch was the syndicated cartoonist of "The Captain's Gig" and "Big George". His cartoons appeared widely in publications including The New Yorker, Playboy, True, and Collier's. He worked for a time at Disney on Donald Duck, and on Woody Woodpecker. He died in an auto accident in 1984. According to the Online Archive of California, "Partch often met other well-know cartoonist at the Ivy House Restaurant in Laguna Beach to discuss their work over lunch. The group was known to sign autographs and give out sketches during their lunches." It is possible that Mr. Erickson met Partch at some point, perhaps at the Ivy House, got the book signed, and asked for a business card, which was created for him on the spot.

"Cartoons Out of My Own Head" is one of a number of cartoon books he published throughout his lifetime. 

See the photos for additional insight into content and condition of this signed book and card by a noted, popular cartoonist.