Includes BOTH a Serial Number & Product Key.

Perpetual license.

Autodesk DirectConnect requires the following amount of disk space:
■ On Windows® XP, Windows 2000 Professional, or Vista, 260 megabytes
of disk space available on a system drive or destination drive.
■ On Mac OS® X 10.5 or greater, 30 megabytes of disk space, on an Apple
Mac computer with 64-bit Intel processors. PowerPC (PPC) computers are
no longer supported.

Includes both the serial number and product key. Upon installing it unto a computer and entering the serial number and product key, it will ask to request an activation code from Autodesk. There will be a request code provided to you in the software. A previous buyer informed me that the automated way to receive the activation key via the website does not work as Autodesk is stingy on perpetual licenses. However, there is a form you can fill in to transfer ownership. He said it's a bit hard to find and that you really need to press them, but it worked for him in the past. They just don't want perpetual licenses out there.

Another guy also mentioned another way to me. It's to never let the date of the installed PC advance one day. You need to keep rolling it back in the BIOS for each new day of booting. He said he has used the date 01-01-2000 00:00am. If the Ethernet is plugged in MS win OS might warn it’s going to fix it. Also some anti virus software takes date changes as a threat, so you might need to disable that too.

There are also keygen cracks online that are easy to find for 2010-2012 and harder for years further. I can provide links if you message me.

No returns. Duties may apply upon delivery.