Antique inkwell 1800's "Partnership M.S. KUZNETSOVA R.F." Ceramics

In 1882, Kuznetsov took part in the All-Russian Art and Industry Exhibition in Moscow.  Introduced to Alexander III, he presented to Empress Maria Feodorovna a porcelain tea set that she liked.  Soon, in 1883, he was awarded the Order of St. Stanislaus, 3rd degree.  The construction of a chapel at the Riga factory, named in memory of the 25th anniversary of the reign of Emperor Alexander II, brought him the 3rd degree Order of St. Anna in December 1887.

Since 1902 M. S. Kuznetsov - "Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty."

The partnership of M. S. Kuznetsov owned a trading house in Moscow at Myasnitskaya Street, 8, built in 1898-1903 according to the project of the architect F. O. Shekhtel.  The Kuznetsov factories employed 1,300 permanent and 4,000 temporary workers.  Warehouses of "Partnership" were located in ten largest cities of Russia.  The products of the "Kuznetsov's porcelain empire" were distinguished by their high quality and were awarded with Great Gold Medals at exhibitions in Paris (1900) and Tashkent (1890), Grand Prix diplomas at exhibitions in Paris (1900) and Reims (1903), medals of various values ​​in subsequent  years.  The company's porcelain and earthenware products were in great demand in Turkey, Persia, Bulgaria, Japan, America, Austria, India and other countries.

Matvey Sidorovich died suddenly, from an apoplectic stroke on February 8, 1911 in Moscow.  He was buried at the Rogozhskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Height - 2,91 in. (7.4 cm.)

Diameter - 2,51 in. (6.4 cm.)

In excellent condition, without chips, cracks and restoration. The original inkwell was found during excavations.

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