Helius designs tonearm, with SME mount including original base and cable. I have thrown in a cartridge but no stylus to protect the cables.

This is a QED (R232) Helius design arm. It fits a Lenco GL75 I think but I haven’t tried it. It’s a phenomenal arm and I am supplying an amazing SME mount allowing the arm to fit many different turntables. I will supply the original base too and the stunning QED arm cable.

Apparently Helius designer only produced 170 of these for QED.

They have the same geometry as the Helius Scorpio but may be closer to earlier Standard and Aureus designs.

The QED is better finished than many of the Helius designs

I understand that these tonearms can be for Lenco users as the arm drops in the hole of the GL75 top plate and as its bias lever is attached to the bearing housing one can remove the arm's base plate (originally designed to fit directly to the QED turntable) and use the Lenco arm lift and rest.

Apparently’The QED R232(E) turntables were designed by Ron Jordan were quite similar to Regas and used some Rega sourced parts but their glass platter was closer to the top of the base board and so their arms have the benefit of being more suitable than Regas for the low-profile Lenco GL75 platter.

The later R232E tonearms have slots rather than the two fixed holes in the headshell which were designed to accommodate the QED cartridge which was a variant of the Goldring Epic and getting the geometry right with other cartridges could be tricky hence the SME base.

Others have had their QED arm rewired by Audio Origami and it is said to work well with say the Denon 301 and ADC XLM cartridges.