Explore the depths of the ocean with Scripps Institution of Oceanography's "Probing the Oceans 1936-1976" by Elizabeth Noble Shor. This fascinating non-fiction book takes readers on a journey through the history of oceanography, detailing the milestones and discoveries made by the institution throughout four decades. From the depths of the sea floor to the surface of the water, this book covers the fascinating world of oceanography in an engaging and accessible way. Discover the wonders of the ocean alongside young adults and adults alike, with Shor's easy-to-read writing style and captivating storytelling. This first edition paperback, published by Tofua Press in 1978, is a must-have for both avid collectors and those with a general interest in oceanography. Get your hands on this captivating book today and delve into the fascinating world of the ocean and its mysteries.

Condition  used very good slight creased corners and edges to paperback  copy