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100% Natural, complete, liquid chlorophyll.

DuoLife Chlorofil is the answer for those who want to keep their organism in an optimal shape as long as possible. Thanks to its exceptional effects, it is called the liquid energy. Thanks to its exceptional composition of fully natural ingredients, it purifies your organism from all toxins. Natural chlorophyll reduces the acidity of our body’s internal environment. It prevents the proliferation of microorganisms and fungi, enhances the immune system, binds and eliminates heavy metals as well as assists in the regeneration and convalescence of our body which is exposed to chronic stress or to other threats by means of the probiotic-like effects.

Chlorofilinhas strong alkaline properties, it stimulates elimination of potentially damaging toxins and carcinogens from the body. It also delays the cell oxidizing processes, prevents the premature occurance of aging processes and eliminates free radicals. It strengthens the body immune system and maintains healthy body. Thanks to high contents of copper, which acts almost as efficiently as iron, chlorofilin is excellent at transporting oxygen - chlorofilin molecules can travel all over the body and thanks to their specific anatomy, which resembles hem molecule present in our blood, are even called „green blood”.

Barleyis a perfect source of dietary and soluble fibres. Additionally, it has antioxidant properties and thanks to its wealth of vitamins and minerals, it helps keeping the acid base balance.

Medicagocontains three times more proteins than soy, which is typically known for protein wealth. Thanks to that, it strengthens the organism and accelerates its regeneration as well as it purifies it naturally. It is indispensable for people who want to accelerate the process of regeneration.

Peppermint oil has been known and applied as a perfect antiseptic for hundreds of years. It means that it helps purify our body very efficiently by destroying microorganisms that threaten the efficient functioning of our immune system. Moreover, it helps keeping the acid base balance.

Chlorellais the richest source of chlorophyll known to date. Thanks to that, it is very rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals whose concentration is much higher than that of terrestrial plants. It is a part of the "superfoods" group and helps efficiently get rid of toxins, heavy metals and chemicals from the organism.

By containing an innovative mix of biologically active and natural ingredients and no food perservatives or taste stabilizers DuoLife Chlorofil, guarantees the highest quality and improved assimilability.


It is a 100% natural product and after opening please store it in the fridge

Thank you for shopping at our store and welcome back


DuoLife Chlorofil to unikalna kompozycja składników, które sprzyjają wyższej podaży energii, z możliwością czerpania z niej przez cały dzień podejmowania rozmaitych aktywności. W 100% naturalny produkt, który jest łatwo przyswajalny dzięki płynnej formie, a przy tym wyjątkowo skuteczny w działaniu.

W produkcie zagościły chlorofiliny, czyli najsilniejsze z dotąd poznanych antyoksydantów. DuoLife Chlorofil cechuje innowacyjne połączenie biologicznie czynnych, naturalnych składników, z wykorzystaniem zjawiska synergii. Produkt ponadto jest wolny od konserwantów, dodatków smakowych i zapachowych, dzięki czemu zachowuje najwyższą jakość, a skrzętnie skomponowany skład wpływa na przyswajalność substancji odżywczych, kształtującą się na wysokim poziomie.