Four books by Micheal Morpurgo.

FARM BOY: A sequel to WAR HORSE, where a boy loved his Grandpa's stories.  But Grandpa had a secret, one so shameful he kept it to himself for many years.

THE AMAZING STORY OF ADOLPHUS TIPS: It's 1943, and Lily lives in a village scarcely touched by war, but one day everyone has to leave.  Her adored cat, Tips, has other ideas, and returns to the forbidden zone.  Frantic to find her, Lily enters the zone herself.

LITTLE MANFRED: In Imperial War Museum London is a  wooden Dachshund, carved by a German prisoner of war who was working on a farm after the fighting ended.  This is the story of how it got there.

A MEDAL FOR LEROY: Michael doesn't remember his father.  He was an RAF pilot lost in the war, which is all Michael knows. His Auntie Snowdrop gives him a medal and a faded photograph, and a story begins to emerge - a story about his family and who his father really was ... a story that will change everything.