Early 19th Century view of Dolgellau Bridge?, Snowdonia. c 1820's
I'm not entirely sure what bridge that is. It doesn't say. But I think it's likely related to others of the same collection that are near Beddgelert. So I'm assuming it's somewhere in Snowdonia. If anyone knows better and can confirm the location, the advice would be HUGELY appreciated!

 From when Wales was the landscape muse for many of our greatest artists!
And this small collection are by a fine hand! 

Watercolour on paper, in wonderfully unexposed condition, measuring 8 1/2 x 13 1/2 inches (about 21.5 x 34.3 cm)

Please also note that this watercolour is around 200 years old already. It could even be more, but if not, it's VERY close!
 And as with all such topographical watercolours, and re such paintings and drawings in general, particularly before photography, this is an important historical record of the location and of times passed!

The attached photos include one with a tin of beans to help put the size and colour accuracy of the photos in some context. But because the tin is so nearer the eye, it's actually making the watercolours look smaller than they really are. So not the best choice. But (although they do vary) they're ALL a very good size and will frame to great effect! 

With this one of a lovely small collection I have of early 19th century watercolours of both Wales and England, with Continental views as well that were very possibly from a grand tour. It's quite difficult to date them because, although stylistically they clearly look very early 19th century, the paper is in such wonderful condition that one could be deceived into thinking they must be later. But they're not. They're just on wonderful paper and the album they've been in has kept them beautifully unexposed. My first instinct was that they were c1810's, but I later decided they're more likely c1820's, maybe even 1830's at a pinch. And they're Regency/Georgian/William IV rather than Victorian per se. That being a time when it was almost a social necessity for everyone to be able to paint (at least for those with the luxury of the time and money to be able to). And the wonderful views in Wales were then muse to many of our greatest artists!

Unfortunately, although some of the group are helpfully identified re where has been depicted, I never had the album itself, and there are no clues on any of them re who actually painted them. They're a very good hand, though! I just don't know whose it is. And it is the locations that are of particular significance anyway. As depictions of these locations from so long ago, especially from before photography, I would repeat that they are hugely important as historical records of both the locations and of their time. The website "Watercolour World" is valuably collecting and recording images of just such important early (mainly topographical) works for posterity. And the works in this collection would obviously be very well included there. But since I'm selling these, I decided to leave that to the discretion and pleasure of buyers for the moment. 

The individual condition of this particular watercolour is that it is just in fantastic condition! There's a little bit of contact discolouration on the back, but nothing significant. There's also a little crease across one corner. As obviously having been in an album for most of its life, it is benefitting from never having been exposed. And that means that as well as the paper condition being so good, the colours are still wonderfully as they were painted and are completely unfaded!

Hope you like, but please ask re any questions and please note that UK postage is complementary and included in the "buy it now".