My work has in many ways been my life, seeing spirits since early childhood doesn't do well for lasting friendships as people tend to jump when you start talking to something they cant see, oh well that's life, my life anyway;

Todays item for your delectation is another book from my vast library;

The Canticles of Lilith by Nicholas & Katy de Mattos Frisvold issued by Troy Books.
 this is a 1sr edition & limited edition work 95/125.

I wont go into any detail as its easy enough to google the title or ISBN & get an insight into the contents, sorry but i just dont have the time anymore especially when i get on my soap box!

However i will state quite openly that Lilith along with other spirits has guided me through my entire life, with Lilith it was finding her 'Dark Mirror' or i should say the pieces of it which over the years i managed to restore though due to fire damage it wasn't exactly the same, i even managed by the dint of much research find the original names by which she has been known over the millennia & re-carved them back into the wood, as i said not the same but sufficient to allow me to access her forest & meet some of the female spirits that reside there. So as you may imagine she has been a focus for me & i have spent my years searching for any works which deal with her.

A book worthy of adding to your own collection of Occult & Magical Books.

The small print;

Will be shipped via royal mail special next day delivery.

The smallest print;

Book will be sent via Royal Mail Special Delivery to ensure you get it the following day.