The Drawing of the Dark: A Novel (Del Rey Impact) von Tim Powers

Art Nr.: 0345430816
ISBN 13: 9780345430816
B-Nr: INF1000710212
ReleaseYear: 1999
Published by: Del Rey
Edition: paperback
Cover: paperback
Cover Format: 204x130x19
Pages: 336
Weight: 272 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Tim Powers

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'Combining the best of mythology and real history, Tim Powers takes you on a rollicking magical adventure that is both tense and hilarious. You won't read a more plausible explanation for Western civilization, or one that's half so much fun.'-David BrinBrian Duffy, aging soldier of fortune, had been hired in Venice by a strange old man who called himself Aurelianus Ambrosius. He was supposed to go to Vienna and act as bouncer at an inn where the fabulous Herzwesten beer was brewed. That was clear enough.But why was he guided and guarded on the trip by creatures from the ancient legends Why should he be attacked by ifrits and saved by mythical dwarfs What was so important about the Herzwesten beer to the Fisher King-whoever he was Why was Duffy plagued by visions of a sword and an arm rising from a lake And what had a bunch of drunken, ancient Vikings to do with it all Then there was no time for speculation as Vienna was besieged by the Turkish armies of Suleiman. Duffy found himself drawn into a war of desperation and magic. It was up to him to preserve the West until the drawing of the Dark.
Information of Author
Tim Powers
Information of Author:
Tim Powers