Hoodia Gordonii Extract 2000mg 20:1
Natural Appetite Suppressant
Increases Fat Oxidation
Weight Loss Support
Digestive Health

Made in USA

2 Bottles 120 Tablets

What is Hoodia Gordonii?
Hoodia Gordonii is a true gift of nature that promotes weight loss. Being overweight and obese, as well as having diabetes and related problems, has taken over the world like a disastrous epidemic over the last few decades and people are ready to do just about anything to get rid of these problems. This started an endless search for natural products, synthetic medicines, and diet plans that could help people lose weight. It is one of the most promising finds in this endless search.

Over the last few years, the demand for Hoodia and its products has risen surprisingly. It may not be a well-known name in many Asian and African countries, because obesity has not been such a big problem here due to food habits and lifestyle. However, the scenario is changing and obesity is spreading its roots in these places too, but it is a major issue in European and American countries.

It is a succulent, fleshy cactus-like plant of the Asclepiad family, which is an original inhabitant of the Kalahari desert in Africa. Among its many varieties, Hoodia Gordonii is the most popular because its extracts suppress hunger and effectively help reduce weight and fat percentage. It is available on the market in many forms, including pills, capsules, juice, complexes, chews, diet supplements, and even lollipops. Once growing naturally and abundantly in Africa, wild Hoodia Gordonii has now become a rare sight there because of overexploitation, due to the discovery of its appetite suppressing properties. It forms an integral component of many weight loss drugs, due to its appetite suppressing properties.

Hoodia Clinical Studies
In addition to historic cultural use and anecdotal popularity among naturopaths, hoodia gordonii has also been studied in various clinical settings. Conclusions of these studies support the claim of the appetite-suppressing mechanism of hoodia gordonii and suggest it may be an adjunct to weight control when used with caloric restriction and a healthy lifestyle.

Richard M. Goldfarb, MD, medical director of Bucks County Clinical Research, conducted a small, unpublished, efficacy study, on a hoodia nutritional supplement. Goldfarb’s study consisted of seven overweight participants who were instructed to take two capsules daily, in conjunction with a eating a balanced breakfast and taking a multivitamin. The participants’ other diet and exercise habits were not altered.

The results at the end of the 28-day study were astounding. Most participants reported experiencing a caloric reduction within days, meaning they ate less food. Because Hoodia contains no stimulants, none of the participants reported experiencing the adverse side effects typically associated with stimulant weight loss drugs. Furthermore, Goldfarb reported that participants experienced, on average, a 3.3% reduction in body weight, and a median weight loss of ten pounds. "After (the appetite suppressant effect) accumulates in the system... after only a few days we saw study participants cut their calories in half and not desire any additional food,” said Goldfarb.

Hoodia as an Appetite Suppressant
Hoodia is today’s answer for the millions across the world who want to shed some pounds off their bodies and look slimmer. How does it do this? Its chemical composition resembles that of glucose or acts as pseudo-Glucose, but is far more powerful than glucose in its glucose-like behavior. They send the brain chemical signals that the stomach is full and that the body does not want any more food. When absorbed in the body, the body thinks that it has consumed some very high-energy giving food and gives the brain a chemical message with that information. The brain, in turn, immediately rings the body, giving instructions to stop eating. This kills the appetite and the body is kept unfed so it uses its own stores of fat to meet its energy requirements. What is the result? No energy consumed under the facade of high-energy food. What about body’s fat store? It is burnt, thereby helping you lose weight.

Weight Loss Benefits of Hoodia
One of the most common stumbling blocks to weight loss is breaking bad habits related to food. Bad habits can come in the form of excessive snacking, eating late at night, over consumption, the wrong food choices, or all of the above. Many people have trouble simply getting into the habit of, "shutting off" their appetite. Using an appetite suppressant such as hoodia as part of a comprehensive weight loss plan, that includes a balanced diet and exercise, may help you to eat less, and force your body to use the fat and energy it has stored to promote weight loss.

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.


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