Includes BOTH a Serial Number & Product Key.

Perpetual License. 

System Requirements

• For parts and assemblies of less than 1,000 parts:
32-bit or 64-bit versions Windows 7, Windows Vista (SP2), or Windows XP Professional (SP3); a Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, Intel Core, AMD Athlon 64, or AMD Opteron or later (2GHz or faster); 2GB of RAM; and a Microsoft Direct3D 9 or 10 capable graphics card.

• For large assemblies (more than 1,000 parts):
64-bit version of Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP Professional; AMD64 or Intel 64 processor; 6GB or more of RAM; and a CAD workstation-capable graphics card.


16GB free disk space, DVD-ROM drive, Microsoft Mouse-compliant pointing device, 1,280x1,024-pixel screen resolution, Internet connection for web downloads and subscription-award access, Adobe Flash Player 10, Microsoft Internet Explorer (6.x or higher), Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher for iComponents, thread customization, and spreadsheet-driven designs.