XX Large  6" 798g Beautiful White Jade Dragon Head GOT Crystal Skull Carving


This amazing Dragon is beautifully carved and is 6" long from snout to the back of her head!

She is white with cute little stripes running over the top of her head and underneath her ! 😊

She weighs 1.12lbs!!!

She has been charged overnight on Selenite to remove any negative energy she may have had, and ready to work with her special Keeper!

White Jade has been used with this purpose for hundreds of years. It was considered to be a lucky stone, whether it came to health, love or business.

This stone is known for its power to make you feel calm and peaceful.
White Jade also has the ability to increase or enhance the energy of love in your life. You should wear it when you want to forge a friendship or strengthen your connection with a lover or strengthen your mind and promote emotional healing. It can help you release the emotions that are preventing you from moving forward.

White Jade will support you and will help you make the right decisions by making you see the potential consequences of your actions. It filters distractions, attracts constructive information and aids in decision making.

This stone will calm intense emotions and encourage you to reach your beloved with gentleness and kindness. It can help you get rid of negative feelings, calm and strengthen your mind to be able to make the right decision about matters of the hearth. After all, when your mind is clear, everything else becomes a piece of cake.