Blinder DVD

Australian AFL Football Movie 

Region 4 Australian Release

Ships from Sydney


Packed with high stakes football action, BLINDER sees disgraced football star Tom Dunn return home to face the scandal that tore his town apart. Inspired by his former coach, Tom finds the strength to reunite his football club, rekindle a lost love, and rediscover his passion for the great game that is Australian Rules football.

User Review

Being an American in Australia, I'm an outsider to footy culture and was a little apprehensive about going to see Blinder. That being said... I really enjoyed the film and would strongly recommend going to see it.

It has something for everyone. My wife loved it and she normally isn't a big fan of sports films!

The story isn't your typical team overcomes adversity to win a championship. It deals with complex issues that everyone faces in their lives. The characters have depth are genuine in a way that just about anyone can relate to them.

My wife and I discussed the film for hours after first seeing it as it brought to light many issues prevalent in sports relating to binge partying and the impact bad decisions can have on the rest of your life. It hit home in a big way...

It also doesn't that the scenery and actors are beautiful.