Elephants Make Fine Friends (Penguin Core Concepts) von Colter Jackson

Art Nr.: 0448485052
ISBN 13: 9780448485058
B-Nr: INF1000398530
ReleaseYear: 2015
Published by: GROSSET DUNLAP
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 203x5x4 mm
Pages: 32
Weight: 86 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Colter Jackson

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Ella's best friend is her elephant. They do everything together--watch the moon rise, read books, and even go to the movies. But one day, Ella begins to look at her elephant differently. He can't fit through the doorway or in the bathtub or at the dinner table. It takes a bit of time apart for Ella to realize that elephants do make fine friends!