MTG Magic The Gathering Naya Dogmeat, Ever Loyal Budget 100 Card Commander Deck

I have a bunch of cards just sitting around so I’ve put them together into budget Commander Decks.

The vast majority of cards are near mint but a few might be lightly played.

TOTAL: 100 cards

1 Dogmeat, Ever Loyal [PIP]

1 Pious Wayfarer [THB]

1 Dauntless Dismantler [LCI]

1 Keening Apparition [RVR]

1 Auramancer [DMR]

1 Heliod's Pilgrim [THB]

1 Mischievous Pup [LCI]

1 Woodland Acolyte [WOE]

1 Captivating Unicorn [THB]

1 Wall of One Thousand Cuts [MH1]

1 Torch Courier [GRN]

1 Voldaren Epicure (Showcase) [VOW]

1 Champion of the Flame [CMR]

1 Irreverent Revelers [THB]

1 Pyroceratops [IKO]

1 Igneous Elemental [MH1]

1 Oxidda Finisher [ONE]

1 Alloy Animist [BRO]

1 Arboreal Grazer [RVR]

1 Setessan Skirmisher [THB]

1 Skola Grovedancer [THB]

1 Nexus Wardens [THB]

1 Radha, Heir to Keld [DMR]

1 Reyav, Master Smith [MUL]

1 Yotian Dissident [BRO]

1 Caparocti Sunborn (Showcase) [LCI]

1 Fleetfoot Dancer [SNC]

1 Mazzy, Truesword Paladin [CLB]

1 Spirit Link [DMR]

1 Angelic Gift [CMR]

1 Benevolent Blessing [CMR]

1 Pacifism [DMR]

1 Luminous Bonds [M19]

1 Knightly Valor [M19]

1 Dragon Mantle [CMR]

1 Lightning Reflexes [DMR]

1 Audacity [BRO]

1 Forced Adaptation [RVR]

1 Wild Growth [DMR]

1 Fists of Ironwood [RVR]

1 Setessan Training [THB]

1 Oakenform [M19]

1 Armadillo Cloak [LIST]

1 Karametra's Blessing [THB]

1 Final Flare [THB]

1 Plummet [M19]

1 Return to Nature [THB]

1 Root Snare [M19]

1 Thwart the Enemy [IKO]

1 Inspire Awe [THB]

1 Oketra's Last Mercy [HOU]

1 +2 Mace [AFR]

1 Diamond Pick-Axe [LCI]

1 Dowsing Device [LCI]

1 Glowcap Lantern [LCI]

1 Sylvok Battle-Chair [ONE]

1 Bone Saw [BRR]

1 Cathar's Shield [EMN]

1 Amorphous Axe [MH1]

1 Cultist's Staff [EMN]

1 Marauder's Axe [M19]

1 Sigil of Valor [BRR]

1 Thran Power Suit [BRO]

1 Gruul Cluestone [DGM]

1 Selesnya Cluestone [DGM]

1 Blossoming Sands [IKO]

1 Botanical Plaza (Showcase) [SNC]

1 Command Tower [DMC]

1 Evolving Wilds [PIP]

1 Racers' Ring (Showcase) [SNC]

1 Rugged Highlands [IKO]

1 Temple of Triumph [PIP]

1 Terramorphic Expanse [PIP]

1 Thriving Grove [JMP]

1 Tranquil Expanse [M19]

1 Wind-Scarred Crag [IKO]

2 Plains (262) [AFR]

3 Plains (263) [AFR]

3 Plains (265) [AFR]

2 Mountain (274) [AFR]

2 Mountain (275) [AFR]

2 Mountain (276) [AFR]

2 Mountain (277) [AFR]

4 Forest (111) [J22]

4 Forest (112) [J22]