Always for best search results click newly listed instead of old best match.          If you like this click to see my other items.           .1 new in stock                                          This tos desk top communicator & rocker switches card paper model set 1/1 scale"This is my re-creation...  steps as shown in photos first....take your Time...needed but not included  ruler or straight edge for folds.. box knife and sisors, glue  its not a perfect model will need some trimming, but if you go slow yours will look good as photos its layered use thin cardboard for raised edges, (((((the first photo shows that i spray painted it light blue and is only up to you. This will be carefully packed and double boxed to make sure it gets from here to there Safe! last 5 photos not included but listed.... communicator not included only for show,transporter chamber translight wall....see my other items i can also print any size up too life size at 7 feet tall