TC Electronic Echobrain Analogue Delay Guitar Pedal

Good Condition

Fully Working

The TC Electronic Echobrain Analog Delay is a guitar pedal that uses an all-analog, bucket-brigade circuit to create classic, warm-sounding echoes. It has three knobs: Time, Repeats, and Mix. The Time knob controls the delay time, which can range from 0 to 300 milliseconds. The Repeats knob controls the number of echoes you hear. The Mix knob controls the level of the echoed signal

The Echobrain is a great choice for guitarists who want a simple and affordable way to add delay to their sound. It's also a good option for bassists and keyboardists who want to add a touch of ambience to their playing.

Here are some of the key features of the TC Electronic Echobrain Analog Delay:

Overall, the TC Electronic Echobrain Analog Delay is a great choice for guitarists who want a simple and affordable way to add delay to their sound. It's also a good option for bassists and keyboardists who want to add a touch of ambience to their playing.